What Not To Recycle
What should not be included in recycling, and why?
Dangerous for Employees
Batteries can cause fires
Hazardous waste can cause fires or injure employees
Medical waste can injure employees
Can Get Tangled in Recycling Equipment
Plastic bags and pet food bags
Plastic wrap (dry cleaning bags, wrap for packaging, etc.)
Stringy things (holiday lights, cables, cords, hoses and wire)
Not Processed at Recycling Facility
Any container not used for food, beverages or soap
Styrofoam™ containers, blocks or peanuts
Has THIS ever happened to you?
It can happen at the recycling facility too!
Stringy things like hoses, rope, and plastic bags or film in recycling bins cause recycling sorting machines to stop two or three times a day so that workers can untangle them.
Help prevent worker injury and keep recycling moving by leaving stringy things out of recycling!
When you are unsure if an item is recyclable, but you toss it in the bin anyway.
While a MRF seems like magic with its fast-paced machines and dedicated workers sorting recyclables, it can’t turn non-acceptable items into recyclable ones. Items like plastic bags or bagged recyclables, hoses, electrical cords, Styrofoam™, batteries or household garbage cannot be sorted at this facility. Wishcycling can be prevented by recycling only accepted materials.