Household Hazardous Waste
Accepted Materials
Household Hazardous Waste includes any leftover household products that contain reactive, corrosive, ignitable, or toxic ingredients—everything from pesticides to cleaners to batteries and even some light bulbs. Below are categories of materials accepted through our HHW program.
Look for the signal words, “Danger, Poison, Warning, Caution, Flammable, Caustic, Preservative”
Automotive oil, chemicals and bagged filters
Car and household batteries (alkaline and rechargeable)
Fire extinguishers
Flammable household chemicals (cleaners, adhesives, solvents)
Fluorescent bulbs (4, 6, and 8 ft bulbs, must be boxed)
Mercury containing items (thermostats, thermometers, etc)
Non-regulated home medical waste (sharps and lancets only)
Oil-based paints/stains
Outdoor chemicals (pesticides, pool chemicals, etc.)
Propane tanks (20 lb. max)
Preparing for Disposal
Car batteries – Place in a plastic-lined cardboard box.
Chemicals – Put chemicals in separate plastic containers (milk jug or 2-liter soda bottle) with labels. Do not mix chemicals. Consider transporting in a secure plastic container to avoid spillage.
Fluorescent and compact bulbs – Box all bulbs to prevent breakage.
Gasoline – Containers holding contaminated gasoline will be placed, as is, into the collection drum and will not be returned.
Household batteries – Alkaline and rechargeable, includes lithium-ion, nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, and sealed lead acid batteries. Tape the ends on 6 volt, 9 volt, C, and D. Remember, when in doubt, tape your battery terminals. Click here for more information on how to prepare batteries.
Non-regulated home medical waste – Put sharps in a hard-plastic container with a secure lid (laundry detergent container, etc., NOT milk jug, water bottle, (light-plastic)) and write "SHARPS" on container for safety.
Not Accepted
Some items are too dangerous to be handled at our facility. Below is a list with other resources that may help you decide what to do with the waste.
Asbestos Debris/Material: Do not attempt to remove, handle or transport asbestos containing materials without contacting the EGLE Air Quality Division or an asbestos abatement contractor (See yellow pages for listings).
EGLE Air Quality Division, (906) 228-4853
The State Health Department – Environmental Health Division, (517) 335-8762
Latex Paint: Latex paint is not hazardous. For usable latex paint use it up or give it to Marquette Wallpaper & Paint (906) 228-8376 if the paint is in its original can and is less than three years old and is in good condition (no rusty, frozen or hardened paint). Alternatively, you may pour the paint out onto newspaper, allow it to dry and throw it away with your regular trash.
Radioactive Materials: This includes things such as smoke detectors. These should be mailed by UPS to the manufacturer (Not USPS).
Smoke detectors: Ship back to manufacturer
Unidentifiable or Unlabeled Materials: Be sure to keep all materials separated and labeled to prevent dangerous mixes.
Prescription Drug Disposal
Proper prescription medication disposal is important because it helps protect human health and our environment. Unwanted medications should not be flushed down the toilet. When medications are no longer needed, bring them to any of the following drop-off location free of charge:
Look for this box at any of Marquette County’s participating Police Departments!
Chocolay Township Police
5010 US 41 South
Marquette, MI
Hours: 8 am – 4 pm M-F
Forsyth Township Police
99 North Pine S
Gwinn, MI
Hours: 7 am – 3 pm M-F
Meijer Pharmacy 3630 US 41 W Marquette, MI Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm M-F 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat & Sun 906-662-6310
City of Ishpeming Police 100 E Division St.
Ishpeming, MI
Hours: 8 am – 4 pm M-F
City of Marquette Police
300 West Baraga Ave
Marquette, MI
Hours: Open 24 hours
Michigan State Police
Negaunee Post No. 81
180 US-41 East
Negaunee, MI 49866
Hours: 8 am – 4 pm M-F
City of Negaunee Police
100 Silver St.
Negaunee, MI
Hours: 9 am – 5 pm M-F
Household Hazardous Waste Collections
Marquette County residents may deliver their household hazardous waste to the collections or by appointment.
By Appointment
Marquette County residents may deliver their household hazardous waste to the Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority during regular business hours:
Monday-Friday 7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Please contact us in advance to schedule an appointment at (906) 249-4125 or email landfillmqt@gmail.com.
*Please note that this drop off is for Marquette County residents ONLY, Hazardous waste from businesses WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.